Project Chartering
Discover and maintain a Project Community's clarity of purpose
Project Chartering helps people answer questions like
- Is the idea for the project worthwhile?
- How does the project further the organization's vision/mission?
- How would we know if the project is a success?
- Who is part of the project's Project Community?
Like Refactoring, Project Chartering is an on-going endeavor.
Writing and revising a charter helps establish a project's
- Vision and mission
- Project Community
- Values
- Committed resources
- Measures of success
- Boundaries and limits
- Committed resources
- Working agreements
Project Chartering does not take the place of Release and Iteration Planning;
it merely provides direction for those adaptive planning activities.
Write your Project Charter on posters in big letters and place these
posters in highly visible places.
Further Reading
Charters and Chartering by III